Monday, September 28, 2015

Adventures in Adulting: Fostering Pets

There comes a point in every young adults life where you get that feeling (you know...the one when you see that service dog on campus) and you know you desperately want a pet of your own. One that adores you more than anything else on the planet.

College is the perfect time to either foster animals or train service dogs.  You get all the love from that animal without the financial obligation or lifelong commitment. Last September, I knew that I wanted to be responsible for a life other than my own and to take another step towards adulting. This was my plan as I filled out an application to foster from Oconee County Animal Control.

I was told by the workers that black cats are less likely to be adopted because of superstition. So I decided to pick out an all-black kitten. Here's a picture of me holding him for the first time:

I named him Oliver (Ollie for short) and this month marks exactly a year since I began this new chapter of adulting in my life: parenthood. It's ironic that this black cat has been such good luck for me, although being a pet owner hasn't been easy. I've had my fair share of difficulties including a massive flea infestation in my apartment, but it's all been worth it. I fell in love with Ollie and adopted him.

It's been such an amazing adulting-experience to raise an animal all on my own. I think Oconee County Animal Control should target other college students like myself through social media to spread awareness of their foster program. College students (well... responsible ones that are ready to adult) are perfect to foster because of the lack of long-term and financial commitment required.

I looked up Oconee County Animal Control and was surprised to find that they had an existing Instagram account. However, I was extremely disappointed in their use of it. Their last post was 42 weeks ago (ouch). I saw lots of pictures of random animals (probably from Google images) with few postings of their own animals.

First of all, I think Oconee County Animal Control should be Instagramming cute pictures and videos of their animals throughout the week. The caption should include information on the animal, a blurb saying "adopt me," and a call to their followers to tweet out and share the Instagram in hopes that someone will adopt the animal. Perhaps OCAC could partner with other businesses in Athens that would donate gift cards or other rewards that could be given to students that are very involved in sharing OCAC's animals on their personal social media.

These Instagrams should also be posted to their Facebook account, which was actually more lifeless than their Instagram. Their Facebook only has one picture posted. Not a single status, comment, or anything other than this one picture. They definitely could step their game up on Facebook as well.

Clearly, Oconee County Animal Control is missing out on a huge opportunity to get their animals in front of college students faces and into their homes.

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