Monday, September 28, 2015

Adventures in Adulting: Fostering Pets

There comes a point in every young adults life where you get that feeling (you know...the one when you see that service dog on campus) and you know you desperately want a pet of your own. One that adores you more than anything else on the planet.

College is the perfect time to either foster animals or train service dogs.  You get all the love from that animal without the financial obligation or lifelong commitment. Last September, I knew that I wanted to be responsible for a life other than my own and to take another step towards adulting. This was my plan as I filled out an application to foster from Oconee County Animal Control.

I was told by the workers that black cats are less likely to be adopted because of superstition. So I decided to pick out an all-black kitten. Here's a picture of me holding him for the first time:

I named him Oliver (Ollie for short) and this month marks exactly a year since I began this new chapter of adulting in my life: parenthood. It's ironic that this black cat has been such good luck for me, although being a pet owner hasn't been easy. I've had my fair share of difficulties including a massive flea infestation in my apartment, but it's all been worth it. I fell in love with Ollie and adopted him.

It's been such an amazing adulting-experience to raise an animal all on my own. I think Oconee County Animal Control should target other college students like myself through social media to spread awareness of their foster program. College students (well... responsible ones that are ready to adult) are perfect to foster because of the lack of long-term and financial commitment required.

I looked up Oconee County Animal Control and was surprised to find that they had an existing Instagram account. However, I was extremely disappointed in their use of it. Their last post was 42 weeks ago (ouch). I saw lots of pictures of random animals (probably from Google images) with few postings of their own animals.

First of all, I think Oconee County Animal Control should be Instagramming cute pictures and videos of their animals throughout the week. The caption should include information on the animal, a blurb saying "adopt me," and a call to their followers to tweet out and share the Instagram in hopes that someone will adopt the animal. Perhaps OCAC could partner with other businesses in Athens that would donate gift cards or other rewards that could be given to students that are very involved in sharing OCAC's animals on their personal social media.

These Instagrams should also be posted to their Facebook account, which was actually more lifeless than their Instagram. Their Facebook only has one picture posted. Not a single status, comment, or anything other than this one picture. They definitely could step their game up on Facebook as well.

Clearly, Oconee County Animal Control is missing out on a huge opportunity to get their animals in front of college students faces and into their homes.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Adventures in Adulting: Dressing Business Professional/Casual

The more adult I become the more I see the daunting words... dress business professional/casual.

Men have it so easy. There isn't much difference for them between business professional and casual, and they can get away with only owning five shirts and two suits and still look hella professional . But as a woman it just isn't that easy.

There's a lot of gray area for me between dressing business professional and business casual. On top of that, it's pretty hard to dress professional while being fashion-forward. For some reason fashion and business don't commonly mix, and I just end up feeling boring in my pants suit. I can't possibly be the only woman out there struggling on what to wear to look professional and cute. I'm all for adulting, but I don't believe in giving up dressing stylish for it.

I've recently started shopping at the Banana Republic Factory Store off the Oconee Connector in Athens. I think their target audience is definitely young professionals/college students because their factory prices are much more affordable. I believe the best way to target their audience would be through their struggle to learn to adult. Specifically, their struggle with what to wear in the adult world. I picked up a few things for my interview next week:

I would love it if BR would tweet out cute business professional/casual outfits using their current clothes in store. They could also tweet outfit ideas for interviews, how to know if a suit fits you properly, dressing business professional/casual during different seasons, best business professional/casual styles for certain body types, the difference between business professional and business casual, dos and don'ts, etc. This would make for a great way to incorporate their clothes and in-store sales in a way that would interest those new to the world of adulting. Here's some examples of what it could look like:

Also, I think the company should have #AskBR where people can tweet out their interview outfits to ask BR if it is appropriate. BR can respond to these with advice and can suggest their merchandise if (and only if) the person were to need it.

Then, BR should compile all of these tips on a Pinterest board and have the pins link back to the BR Factory website. For pins that include outfits created with BR Factory clothes, they should include links to the specific clothing pieces in the description. (side note: one frustrating thing about Pinterest is when there's no link to buy something you really like) Each Pinterest board could be a different category, and they can create a Lookbook with this different boards.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Adventures in Adulting: Working Out

In order to find the perfect balance of adulting you need to incorporate working out into your busy lifestyle. But making myself workout isn't easy.

My biggest reservation about going to the gym is that when I get there I have absolutely no clue what to do. So naturally I just avoid the gym all together. Lately, I've been finding workouts on Pinterest that I can do at home like this one I started this month:

The downside is that I don't have weights or other equipment at home, so I'm pretty limited in the workouts I can do. I feel like I can only accomplish real-adulting-workouts at the gym. For this reason I have been thinking about joining the Omni Club in Athens for some time now. I checked out @OmniClubAthens on Twitter to see if they offered anything that would ease my fear of walking into a gym completely clueless.

Omni is really active on Twitter, especially with engaging their followers, but I didn't find anything to solve my problem. I wish that Omni would tweet out a Workout of the Day or #WOTD that I could follow in order to utilize their equipment. Perhaps inside their gym they could have a sign that says "Ask us about the Workout of the Day" and also include their Twitter handle to promote their social media. I'd like to think if they incorporated something like this, that I'd work up the courage to actually see the inside of their gym.

I think this would be a great way for someone like myself to grow more comfortable working out so that I can start adulting like I should be. It would be an effective way to engage and grow followers, and ultimately increase brand loyalty.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Adventures in Adulting: Wine

November 19, 2014 was the day I truly felt I was adulting. It was the day I turned 21 and bought beer at the grocery store like a badass adult. Nothing compares to the feeling of ultimate adulting, but it also opened up a world far past hunch punch and $1 well drinks. As an adult I felt like I needed to enjoy the finer, yet still college-student-affordable, drinks in life.

This lead me to my new found love for wine. It makes me feel like a classy adult. But nothing is as intimidating as navigating the isles of wine because honestly I don't know the first thing about wine.
 How do I choose one? What would pair well with dinner? What does sauvignon even mean? Ugh?!

This week I set out at Kroger to try something outside of the bulk two-buck chuck that I get at Trader Joes. Since I don't know the first thing about wine, I hit up my Bible for adulting (Pinterest) to see if I could become an instant wine expert. Check out this wine guide I found:

Seriously this wine guide is amazing, it even shows you how to decode a wine label! It helped me understand wine enough to feel like I was an informed buyer. I ended up trying a sauvignon blanc which was a nice switch up from the fruity white zinfandel I usually buy.

The key takeaways from my experience were that I wanted to be an informed buyer but Kroger's wine section was pretty overwhelming. Not to harp on Athens Kroger for the second blog post in a row (sorry not sorry), but it would be awesome if Kroger capitalized on this opportunity to connect with me this way as well.

Last week I suggested Kroger make a Pinterest account dedicated to pinning recipes that used sale items and then tweeted about the recipes/sales. I think that Kroger should create another board on Pinterest that serves as a guide for wine and beer. Similarly, they should tweet and post on Facebook about this guide to alcohol and can use this as an opportunity to post about great deals they are having on beer and wine. Connect these deals on alcohol with dinner recipes they would pair well with.

I think this would do well for them if they marketed it to the local college students by using humor with the #adulting. It would help college students become more informed buyers and increase brand loyalty to Kroger. Lastly, Kroger should place a summarized wine/beer guide throughout the intimidating aisles, and include something that says, "Follow us on Pinterest, Twitter and Facebook to learn more."

In the end, I'd know more about wine and deals going on at Kroger, and Kroger would gain a loyal customer. Sounds like a win-win if you ask me.

(Check out my cute kitty! :) )

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Adventures in Adulting: Cooking

Cooking Healthy and Affordable

Nothing says adulting more than resisting the urge to swing through Chick-fil-A and cooking a healthy meal all by yourself. Cooking is a struggle in itself, but adding factors like healthy and affordable seems like an impossible task for a busy college student like myself.

Faced with the determination to take yet another step in adulting, I set out to cook something other than grilled cheese or ramen.

My Experience: 

First, I took to Pinterest to find out what a healthy plate looked like. 

Next, I began looking for the perfect recipe that would truly test my adulthood. (Shout out to my high school self for already having pinned hundreds of recipes).

Finally, I headed to Kroger to shop like the legit adult I am. I must say navigating a grocery store is a close second in difficult adulting to cooking. But I persevered and ventured back home to my kitchen with some salmon, asparagus, and other essentials for my adult meal.

And ta-da! A dinner I was actually proud of!


As I mentioned in my first blog, I plan to reflect on my adulting experiences and connect them to ways local Athens businesses can better relate to college students in the area. After reflecting on my experience, I couldn't help but think about how difficult it was to plan this meal with my limited knowledge on healthy cooking. I felt pretty overwhelmed walking through Kroger. And then I wondered what my local Kroger was up to on their social media. 

I was able to find what looks to be an existing twitter account (@AlpsKroger), but not a single tweet and so much missed opportunity to connect with local college students. Why isn't this Kroger tweeting healthy, easy, and affordable recipes? I'd be all over that 'ish. Maybe post a recipe that would use a certain food that is on sale. Super Cheap? Now I'm really on board.

Before heading to Kroger I relied heavily on Pinterest. Why not have a Pinterest board that has all of the tweeted recipes in one place? This is a great opportunity for Kroger to get involved in the cooking process before I even get to their store.

Now once I'm in the store, I wouldn't mind a booth that showed some of these recipes coming to life. This booth could be a great way to promote their social media to students. Something as simple as "follow @AlpsKroger for more recipes and weekly ads."

Lastly, I think Kroger should host gift card giveaways to boost retweets. Every college student will grab at the opportunity for free groceries.