Monday, October 12, 2015

Adventures in Adulting: Motivation

I'm not sure if it's the midterm season or early senioritis setting in, but lately it's been borderline impossible for me to get out of bed and get anything done. I've never been a lazy person, or someone who excessively sleeps, but I swear all my motivation has gone out the window.

As I sit here for the fourth consecutive hour in the library, I'm thinking about all the things I would rather be doing than studying. Sleeping, eating... the list goes on. And then I thought, how cool would it be if I saw on Twitter (okay so maybe I'm on Twitter instead of studying) a tweet about the possibility of free food delivered to me during my time of misery?

If you haven't read my intro blog, I've recently set out to identify ways that local Athens businesses can market to students using the idea of "adulting," and I feel like this would be such an easy way for Papa Johns to interact with students. The tweet could say something like:

"Adulting is hard, but it's nothing pizza can't fix. Tweet us your current adulting struggle using #AdultingforPJ for a chance to have a free pizza delivered to you"

When the pizza is delivered, share a picture of the student(s) enjoying the free pizza. I think that this would be a great social media push to have once a week, especially during midterms and finals. 

And on that note, I feel that about sums up this post. Like I said, all motivation went out the window this week...

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