Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Adventures in Adulting: Senioritis

As this semester draws to a close, the senioritis is slowly starting to hit me.

I thought this was something that only high school students experienced from their desperation to move out of their parent's house and get out on their own. But as my days grow shorter here at UGA, I find myself a little conflicted: I'm really ready to get out and tackle the real world... but I'm also not sure I'm ready to give up my college world just yet.

I know there aren't many days left where I won't be full on adulting. This leads everything into being viewed as "my last _______."

These things are the remaining events that stand in the way between me and full-on adulting: my last home football game as a student, my last GA/FL, my last spring break... the list goes on. I'm even starting a senior bucket list because I want to feel like I got the most out of my last year in Athens.

I think that it would be an interesting idea if certain bars were to capitalize on seniors' countdown to adulting and maybe the overall nostalgia of Athens as well. Some examples of times this could work well are after the last home football game or really the whole months of December and May.

They could create Facebook events that promote special deals for seniors or maybe certain bars can bring back a certain drink or event that they used to do when we were freshmen. Does anyone else miss Power Hour? Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram posts would be the best way to promote. Specifically, the bar could tweet/insta out different bucket list things to do in Athens, and occasionally incorporate their bar specials/events into them. Lastly, they could have an Instagram contest for the best picture of someone completing the bucket list of the day. The winner could win a t-shirt or other goodie from the bar.


The bar could engage seniors by asking them to tweet something on their bucket list using #beforeIgraduate. The bar could add some of their favorite tweets to their bucket list and could even incorporate them inside the bar by writing them on a chalk wall.

I'd love if my college experience came full circle by celebrating the things that made it so memorable. Cheers to finishing off the four best years of my life.